Common Questions
Are there any fees associated with a public records request to the Orange County Sheriff's Office?
Yes, in some instances.
The Current Fee schedule is as follows:
Large Copy jobs (over 20 pages) - * Actual cost if extensive plus $0.15 per page (over 20 pages)
Copies of reports (no charge to victim) - * Actual cost if extensive plus $0.15 per page (over 20 pages)
Certified copies of reports - $1.00 per page plus $0.15 per page (over 20 pages)
Local criminal records checks (local background checks) - $5.00
Mug Shots (black & white only) - $0.15 per page
Dispatch Audio (911 audio recordings) - * Actual cost if extensive
IMS Generated reports - * Actual cost if extensive
*Extensive is defined as 30 minutes or more of labor required to complete the request
Are records ever destroyed?
Yes, only in accordance with the Florida Records Retention Guidelines and Florida State Statutes.
How do I pay for an invoice online?
If your request requires payment, an invoice will be sent via email or embedded in a response if you are an anonymous requester. You can click on the link and follow the instructions to pay. Please make sure that you fill out the correct reference number and your payment amount.
Please note that online payments are subject to additional fees by our payment processor.
Do I have to create an account or provide an email address?
No, but creating an account by providing an email address will provide the best customer experience. If you choose to submit your request anonymously or without an email address, we cannot contact you through this system and you will have to check the status of your request with your reference number.